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Skilled Discrimination Mediators in Los Angeles, California

At Blue Sky Mediation Center, our Los Angeles employment mediation services allow us to provide a platform for employers and employees to reach an alternative dispute resolution for their workplace discrimination claims.

We understand that resolving allegations involving discrimination between employers and employees requires a professional forum where each party’s voice can be heard, so they know they are working together to create an effective resolution.

Our Los Angeles County discrimination mediator gives our clients the tools they need to achieve real results, so they can put their dispute behind them and move forward with confidence.

What Types of California Employment Discrimination Mediation Sessions are Available?

At Blue Sky Mediation Center, our trusted discrimination mediator in Los Angeles oversees all types of sessions involving employment disputes involving violations related to:

That includes employment mediation sessions involving allegations of discrimination regarding:

  • Age (40 and over)
  • Ancestry, national origin
  • Disability, mental and physical
  • Gender identity, gender expression
  • Genetic information
  • Marital status
  • Medical condition
  • Military or veteran status
  • Race, color
  • Religion, creed
  • Sex, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions)
  • Sexual orientation

Employment mediation benefits both employers and employees by allowing each party to understand the origin of the dispute, the legality of each party’s position, and how they can resolve their differences in a respectful forum. In addition, anything said by a party during mediation sessions is strictly confidential and cannot be used for any purpose in the case after the mediation. Contact our Los Angeles employment discrimination mediator today to learn more.

What Can I Expect from the Employment Discrimination Mediation Process in California?

Our Center’s founder and experienced mediator, Robert P. Mougin, provides California employers, employees, or other parties to create valuable solutions for their discrimination disputes.

Our Los Angeles employment discrimination mediator provides all parties with the benefit of virtual sessions. When the participants start the process in a more relaxed environment, either at ease in their own homes or offices, they are more comfortable than they may have been meeting face-to-face with the disputing party.

Moving to a virtual approach allows each party to prepare their end of the argument, and to efficiently collaborate with their supporters before the session begins.

This allows us to truly customize each session through advanced planning that provides flexible and efficient solutions that allow us to set up a meeting, adjourn when necessary, and reconvene with relative ease — all without losing the substantive focus.

It is our role, as a seasoned employment discrimination mediator in Los Angeles, to ensure you are comfortable, and that your position is respected and understood throughout the process.

Less stress can lead to speedy resolutions, which saves time and money for everyone involved.

The employment discrimination mediation process includes:

  • Introductions

At Blue Sky Mediation Center, our Los Angeles employment discrimination mediator will welcome each party through an introduction while laying the ground rules for how the process works. This includes keeping all conversations respectful and confidential.

  • Opening Statements

Both the employer and employee will have time to give a short opening statement. The person who made the complaint, usually the employee, will go first. This provides the opportunity for this individual to tell their side of the story and explain what they are looking for to resolve their case. The employer will be given the opportunity to respond and explain their side of the story.

  • Negotiations

After opening statements, the parties enter negotiations. This may include separating the two parties to understand what they would like to accomplish, and will share any settlement offers, counteroffers, and other information the mediator has permission to share.

If the negotiations allow, the mediator may ask both parties to reconvene, and discuss the details together.

  • Conclusion

By the end of the mediation session(s), both parties may reach a resolution that will be reviewed and signed within a settlement agreement. The settlement agreement usually includes a full release of all claims by all parties, meaning the dispute has officially ended and the settlement details will be kept confidential going forward.

What Happens if an Employment Discrimination Mediation Agreement is Not Reached?

If an agreement is not reached during mediation, the parties will continue the lawsuit just as they did before going to mediation, and each party will prepare for trial in Court where the final determination will be made either by a judge or jury, depending on the type of case you have.

What Types of California Employment Discrimination Resolutions are Available?

Multiple factors will dictate the types of solutions a California employee will seek during employment discrimination mediation sessions. It is important to know each detail of your case is unique, and that no two settlements are the same.

Some of the most common solutions that are agreed upon during employment discrimination mediation sessions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Monetary damages, including back pay, bonuses, commissions or benefits, and compensatory damages for any emotional distress or pain and suffering experienced because of the discrimination.
  • Non-monetary damages, including reinstatement, positive/neutral reference letter, reasonable accommodations, modified policies, and employee training to keep workplace discrimination from occurring going forward.

Our Los Angeles mediator operates as a neutral third party who examines the claims of all the participants and sets realistic expectations to help the parties correctly view and evaluate their respective cases while educating them about the potential risks and liabilities in their positions. To determine how our employment discrimination mediation services can benefit you, contact our Los Angeles County mediator at Blue Sky Mediation Center at 213-376-4130, contact us online, or email our case manager to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal needs today.

We also focus on the following practice areas in Los Angeles:

Frequently Asked Questions for Our Discrimination Mediator in Los Angeles, California

What is a Charge of Discrimination?

A charge of discrimination is a signed statement that an employer, union, or employment agency has discriminated against you. It asks a federal or state governmental agency to investigate the discrimination that occurred.

Where Do Employees File a Charge of Discrimination in California?

Where to file a charge of discrimination depends on which law has been violated. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency that enforces federal civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. The Civil Rights Department (CRD) is California’s state agency that enforces state civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. Where to file a charge of discrimination depends on which law has been violated. In general, you will need to file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC or the CRD before you file a lawsuit for discrimination. Both agencies will investigate the initial claim, and typically require the employer and employee to attend mediation as a next step to resolving the dispute.

Can I File a Charge of Discrimination if I Work for a Small California Business?

If you are filing a charge of discrimination with the EEOC, your employer must have at least fifteen workers (or 20 workers for age discrimination). If you file a charge of discrimination with the CRD, your employer must employ at least five workers.

How Long Do I Have to File an Employment Discrimination Claim in California?

The time to file a workplace discrimination charge in California is different depending on if you file with the EEOC or the CRD. If filing with the EEOC, employees must file their charges within 300 days of the last act of discrimination. If filing with the CRD, employees must file their charges within three years of the last act of discrimination.

How Can an Employer Respond to Allegations of Employment Discrimination in California?

After the EEOC and the CRD receives a charge of discrimination, it is required to provide a copy to the employer. The EEOC and the CRD will then investigate the charge and will request the employer to respond to the charge of discrimination.

Can I Sue My California Employer Directly Before Attending Discrimination Mediation Sessions?

In employment cases only, you must obtain from CRD a Right-to-Sue notice before filing your own lawsuit in court. Typically, mediation occurs after you have received the right-to-sue, but before the case goes to court.

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